Introducing... The Snackdown
A new feature where I talk to interesting people about their favorite snacks. First up: my husband.
Hello and welcome to my new feature, The Snackdown, where I’ll be talking to interesting people about their favorite snacks!
First up is my husband, who agreed to participate in this nonsense only if I identified him as “my husband” and not by his full name. Let’s call him Snackalicious.
Snackalicious and I were both working from home when he walked into my home office area and said, “Would you like to try one of the spiciest chips I’ve ever had?” Indeed, I would. I tried one and came to the conclusion that I absolutely would not be able to eat an entire snack-sized package of these. I think one was, in fact, my limit — despite the fact that I often refer to something that I call The Rule of Two, which states if you usually stick to two of anything (cookies, drinks, cups of coffee, pets) you’ll be okay.
The chips in question were Hal’s New York Jalapeño Kettle Chips. “The package says ‘hot hot hot’. They're hot. They might be the hottest potato chip I've ever eaten,” Snackalicious said.
“Let’s talk about the other spicy snacks you eat,” I said. My husband and son share a fondness for very spicy snacks, most of which I can tolerate in very small doses or not at all.
“There's Flaming Hot Cheetos. I feel that the baked Flaming Hot Cheetos are actually hotter than the standard. And Takis, of course, are extremely hot, but I would put those in a different category from potato chips. Those are more of a rolled tortilla chip,” he said. (This talk of tortilla chips is making me want to eat chilaquiles, a dish I enjoy very much).
But let’s get back to the Hal’s jalapeño (HAL-a-peño?) chips. “They come in an attractive green package, which is a plus because my favorite color is green,” Snackalicious pointed out. “They are from New York, obviously, and they’re gluten-free. No artificial colors or flavors. Yeah, so there's all that stuff.”
“What are your other favorite snacks?” I asked.
“I generally like yogurt-covered pretzels,” he said (Editor’s note: He also likes peanut butter-filled pretzels). “But those have been absent from Whole Foods lately.” I don't know why they've been absent from Whole Foods (where we sometimes, but not all the time, shop for groceries), and to be honest, I don’t know that I had noticed this, but now that he mentions it, there has been a dearth of yogurt-covered pretzels in the house lately. Maybe I'm going to have to do some investigative reporting.
“Maybe Trader Joe’s has them?” I suggested.
“I think Trader Joe's does have some and I and I do remember them being delicious,” he said. (Note: a trip to Trader Joe’s over the weekend resulted in purchasing some Trader Joe’s Ube pretzels, which are pretzels covered in an ube, aka purple yam, flavored yogurt).
It should also be noted that my husband enjoys snacking on nuts and literally every time he eats nuts he makes a joke about putting nuts in his mouth.
“That is true,” he said.
Got a new snack you’d like me to write about? Want to talk to me about your favorite snacks? Let me know!
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